Bringing GREAT SERVICE and GREAT FOOD to our friends and neighbors for OVER 30 YEARS!
Pizza & Wings
Everyday Specials
A Notice of Apology to All of our Valued Customers
Unfortunately, we too at Four Seasons have been struggling in this DISMAL,DEPRESSED and RECESSED economy. However, as we all know too well that eventually the temptation arises to cut corners at the expense of quality. Ultimately, this may lead to our customer's suspicion about the value of their purchases. Surprisingly enough I can personally guarantee you will not be able to find any better quality for an equal or most definitely a cheaper price! Far too often we forget that good is not cheap and cheap is not always (maybe never) good. Most importantly I would again like to apologize for these unpleasant circumstances and to please ask for your patience and understanding. Lastly, please resist in taking out any frustrations at the cash register, my employees have nothing to do with this awful economy, but our HONEST and CARING POLITICIANS do? Sincerely, Raymond Canarelli Owner